Welcome to our consulting company PAB Consult!
[+233] 242 102 183

Elijah Danso
About Us

We are PAB Consult

PAB Consult firmly believes that account should be taken of the natural, economic, social, institutional, political and spatial systems operative in the project environment and the nation as a whole.

By this stance, PAB Consult is committed to the holistic improvement in the standard of living and the quality of life of beneficiaries of interventions, by ensuring that public institutions are strengthened to enable them stimulate or facilitate growth in the private sector of the economy.
Capacity Building/Human Resource Development
Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Studies

Core Expertise

Our reputations are built upon innovation, excellent customer service and consistent high quality work, all of which lie at the heart of what we do. We have a proven track record of provision in various fields including, but not limited to, the following fields:

Socio-economic Studies and Policy Analysis

Social Development and Civil Society Strengthening

Rural Growth and Livelihoods Security

Governance, Institutional/Organizational Development

Environmet and Natural Resource Management

Agricultural Management and Advisory Services

Project Management Support


Our Clients History

PAB is well qualified to assist government, non-governmental organisations, both local and foreign based. Our clients include District Assemblies, Ministries of Agriculture, Employment and Social Welfare, Water Resources, Works and Housing, The European Union, USAID, GTZ, IFAD, UNIDO, UNDP and AFDP.

PAB Consult has links with various international, as well as, local consulting firms.This helps to keep pace with cost-effective modern trends in consultancy work.PAB is well qualified to assist government, non-governmental organisations, both local and foreign based.

We approach every service with the perfect understanding of the needs of clients and the problems the intended service is to solve. We also provide professional advice beyond our contractual obligations to prepare grounds for the next phase of project.

Contact us

Contact Our Consultancy Today

PAB Consult Ltd provides excellent customer service and consistent high quality work, all of which lie at the heart of what we do.

Get in Touch

    Get in touch with our help desk for more information or inquiries on any of our expertise or for assistance.

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    Our Partner

    PAB consult has partnerships with key organisations that ensures the delivery of mutli faceted quality services. Key partners include PARTICIP GmbH (Germany), SOFRECO (France), FRR Ltd (UK) ICON-INSTITUT (Germany) , ACDI VOCA (USA).


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    Smart & Great Solutions

    As a app web crawler expert, I help organizations adjust to the expanding significance of internet promoting.

    Learn more from our latest news.

    As a app web crawler expert, I help organizations adjust to the expanding significance of internet promoting. or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, grap or web designs.

    Office address

    Osiabuor Plaza, #3 Jupiter Rd., Sakumono, Tema.

    Telephone number

    [+233] 242 102 183

    Mail address


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)